Friday 6 February 2015

We fly later today from dubai to Perth a 10 hour flight and the clocks go forward 6 hours Nik said to me yesterday we have been diddled out of 6 hours of holiday. Now when I woke up at 4am dubai time this was going round in my head so I thought I would do my version of Stephen Hawkins "A Brief History Of Time"........If you travel as we are doing West to east you go through time zones and arrive forward in time and conversely if you go the other way you can arrive before you set off? backwards in time. So if I travelled one way and Nik the other and if I went forward in time could I not then text Nik the lottery numbers and could she not then get a ticket and we would be millionaires? This all sounded very logical at 4am and a bit Back To The Future ish. ....Also if you went fast enough West to east would you grow old quicker and would you become more youthful going the other way?.. holy shit I've found eternal youth! The more I think about it the more my brain hurts.....I'm going  for a lie in the sun before the flight.....TTFN

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