Monday 23 February 2015


I am writing this post at 830pm from my bed at the 4 Seasons Hotel in downtown Sydney. ...Nik and I are both totally exhausted but I know you won't be giving us any sympathy lol.
It was a struggle getting up today for the flight to Sydney. We have been on so many internal flights we feel like old hands at it and even Nik,  the world's worst flier seems a bit calmer at takeoff and landing....her nails only draw a bit of blood now as I hold her hand!
Lovely hotel only 5 minutes walk from Sydney bridge and 10 from the Opera House. Barely had we arrived before we went on a boat for a cruise around the harbour with food and an unlimited bar again. .....The views of the city were amazing. By the end of it the combination of food, booze, anti sea sickness tablets and lack of sleep took their toll so we disembarked for a look at the Opera House before a very slow walk to where I am now.
I hope you are all enjoying the blog.....Some days it's a struggle to do it but it gives a nice feel for the place. Just looked tonight and had over 1300 views so cheers for that. ...A very tired Ian x

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