Saturday 21 February 2015


We arrived in Melbourne yesterday evening staying at the Crown Promenade a swish hotel on the banks of the Yarra river. A quick change and  we went for a walk along the waterfront which was heaving with people, and celebrations for the Chinese New year. Had lovely meal and vino and slept through alarm this morning before heading out for a quick look at the city. It was yet another scorching hot day in the high 30s. Enjoyed a trip on an old tram which circle Melbourne and a look at Victoria market.
Then on bus at 2pm for long ride to Philip Island to see the penguin parade. On the way we stopped at an animal sanctuary where we saw roos and koalas.  Philip Island is a headland controlled by the state where over 35000 fairy penguins live....but they live in burrows like rabbits anything up to 2km from the sea and up steep rock and cliff faces. Every night as dark descends the penguins that have been out at sea feeding come ashore and return to their burrow.  They come ashore in groups of about 20 to 50 at a time and there are viewing platforms set up to watch them with subtle lighting so you can just make them out....They are very cute.
 No photos are allowed as flash upsets them so no pics sorry but it was too commercial. .....There were 4000 people there and this happens every night! Long drive back arrived hotel midnight. 

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