Friday 13 February 2015

Short journey from Alice to Uluru

So today it was on the coach for the short trip to The Sails in the Desert hotel at Uluru. .....short in Aussie terms ....A mere 450km.
We stopped twice at the outback equivalent of motorway service stations which were a couple of petrol pumps, a bar and a bit of shade.  The second one was a station (ranch) of a mere 1 million acres?  From first hand experience I can tell you also that a roadside dungy consists only of a toilet seat and a 30 foot hole in the water there!
Tonight we are off for a sunset look at Uluru followed by an outback meal and star gazing...and up at 430am to see the sun come up over the rock....hopefully will have some great pics to post but as have said before the Internet is poor at best.
It's absolutely boiling hot here. ...its 5pm and still well over 40 degrees.
Just also watched Australia wack our bowlers all over the place in the

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