Monday 23 February 2015

lazy Sunday in Melbourne

The morning was spent meeting Craig Mills who lives out here. ...We had a nice catch up over a light lunch and then Nik and I wandeered about fairly aimlessly until we found a nice bar on the river for a few beers......This turned out to be a BIG mistake as at 5PM we went onto an old fashioned tram car for a ride around Melbourne. ...The meal was lovely. ..steak and sticky toffee pudding with unlimited the time it finished about 730 we were all pretty well pissed,  and this was compounded by another few in the bar at the hotel. Oh deary me! Early start tomorrow for flight to Sydney....its going to me messy....


  1. looks like you are having a great time I am loving all the photos x

  2. Thanks we are but it's all a bit hectic
