Saturday 28 February 2015

Park Royal hotel


Well we eventually arrived in Singapore and are staying at the swanky eco hotel Park Royal. ..All plants and water inside and outside which is very nice until a porter drops your case into a lagoon....happened to a guest but thankfully not us!
We are conveniently located next to Chinatown which is very happening and we have bravely eaten there the two nights since arriving....The food is authentic and spicy....The chilli chicken was HOT on the way down and even hotter exiting the next day. ....I've got an arse like the Japanese flag.
We have been exploring and walking lots.....A visit to Raffles hotel, a cruise on the Singapore river, all in hot and humid weather.

Interesting menu in Chinatown

Personally I prefer milk and sugar in my porridge

On Singapore river

That's a strange place to park a boat!

Mrs C outside Raffles with her new mate

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Sydney from the air

Started our last day in Sydney with a seaplane flight over the city....Mrs C was feeling quite nervous about the whole thing but was much happier when she found out I was the copilot! As it turned out her fears were unfounded and the whole experience was amazing.
We spent the afternoon in the Royal Botanical gardens where we ate ice cream and wandered slowly about.
We have our farewell meal with all the posse tonight before an early morning flight to Singapore and the last 3 days of our holiday. ....

Ready to go

Cool......I'm copilot

Nik looking slightly nervous methinks

Bondi beach

Quite a view

Huge spider attacks Opera House

Big bamboo

Royal botanical gardens

Clark Investigates

Having seen these signs in numerous toilets throughout Australia our intrepid reporter seeks for himself why the toilet seat squat is outlawed. .......

The verdict......

No 2 's. ......good height means high velocity and a good splosh on entry......splashback limited. ......A hit!
No 1 '. ......very tricky for aiming purposes. ...High likelyhood of pee on legs, toilet seat and floor, especially if intoxicated.....A miss!
Overall....worth doing once in your life but probably not on a regular basis

Sydney Times, Arts Review, Madame Butterfly

By our new Arts  Correspondent Ian "Digger" Clark
G'Day mate, the wife informed me she was taking me to the Opera House to see some musical thing called Madame Butterfly. ...well I was watching the Aussie Rules on TV but she promised me a case of Fosters so I put on my strides and off we went. I knew something was wrong as soon as it began cos they were singing in Italian. Fortunately there was a translation on a screen above the stage or I would have been as lost as a blind dingo in the Outback. The story goes something like this....bloke from America goes to Japan and cops off with tarty geisha girl. Has a good time then does a runner home. When he returns 3 years later she gets all upset cos he's married someone else and she claims her child is his (that old chestnut). She's as mad as a cut snake but rather than hit him for child maintenance she kills herself. As I said to Mrs C at least there was a happy ending. Not a bad night out really and better than watching England play cricket......Mrs C had a tear in her eye at the end but I think it was her contact lenses playing up. All well and good here in Oz.....goodnight all x x

Monday 23 February 2015

A day in Sydney

Nik and I not on top form first thing today but after a quick breakfast we strolled round for a guided tour of Opera House. Unfortunately it didn't include looking backstage but was followed by lovely brunch. We then set out for a days exploring,  taking in the Rocks area full if cafés and hip shops and then Darling Harbour where all the boats are moored.  Also walked onto middle of harbour bridge and through central feet are worn to their stumps!
Mrs C currently washing our smalls in the sink before we head out again for some nosh.....not sure about alcohol though..may give it a miss tonight.
We have managed to get tickets at opera house tomorrow night to see the Opera Madame Butterfly....Nik very excited at this.....will let you know what I make of it......

Darling Harbour

Sydney bridge

Brunch at the Sydney Opera House


I am writing this post at 830pm from my bed at the 4 Seasons Hotel in downtown Sydney. ...Nik and I are both totally exhausted but I know you won't be giving us any sympathy lol.
It was a struggle getting up today for the flight to Sydney. We have been on so many internal flights we feel like old hands at it and even Nik,  the world's worst flier seems a bit calmer at takeoff and landing....her nails only draw a bit of blood now as I hold her hand!
Lovely hotel only 5 minutes walk from Sydney bridge and 10 from the Opera House. Barely had we arrived before we went on a boat for a cruise around the harbour with food and an unlimited bar again. .....The views of the city were amazing. By the end of it the combination of food, booze, anti sea sickness tablets and lack of sleep took their toll so we disembarked for a look at the Opera House before a very slow walk to where I am now.
I hope you are all enjoying the blog.....Some days it's a struggle to do it but it gives a nice feel for the place. Just looked tonight and had over 1300 views so cheers for that. ...A very tired Ian x

lazy Sunday in Melbourne

The morning was spent meeting Craig Mills who lives out here. ...We had a nice catch up over a light lunch and then Nik and I wandeered about fairly aimlessly until we found a nice bar on the river for a few beers......This turned out to be a BIG mistake as at 5PM we went onto an old fashioned tram car for a ride around Melbourne. ...The meal was lovely. ..steak and sticky toffee pudding with unlimited the time it finished about 730 we were all pretty well pissed,  and this was compounded by another few in the bar at the hotel. Oh deary me! Early start tomorrow for flight to Sydney....its going to me messy....

Saturday 21 February 2015


We arrived in Melbourne yesterday evening staying at the Crown Promenade a swish hotel on the banks of the Yarra river. A quick change and  we went for a walk along the waterfront which was heaving with people, and celebrations for the Chinese New year. Had lovely meal and vino and slept through alarm this morning before heading out for a quick look at the city. It was yet another scorching hot day in the high 30s. Enjoyed a trip on an old tram which circle Melbourne and a look at Victoria market.
Then on bus at 2pm for long ride to Philip Island to see the penguin parade. On the way we stopped at an animal sanctuary where we saw roos and koalas.  Philip Island is a headland controlled by the state where over 35000 fairy penguins live....but they live in burrows like rabbits anything up to 2km from the sea and up steep rock and cliff faces. Every night as dark descends the penguins that have been out at sea feeding come ashore and return to their burrow.  They come ashore in groups of about 20 to 50 at a time and there are viewing platforms set up to watch them with subtle lighting so you can just make them out....They are very cute.
 No photos are allowed as flash upsets them so no pics sorry but it was too commercial. .....There were 4000 people there and this happens every night! Long drive back arrived hotel midnight. 

Obligatory Koala photo. .......

Mrs C gives defensless Joey karate chop

Nobbies point at Philip Island

Friday 20 February 2015

Seen in Melbourne

Aussies quick to stick knife into England cricket team.....

Who the fuck shits squatting on a toilet seat?

Answers on a postcard please

This holiday is hard work

Mrs C feeling the strain at Thala lodge

The Great Barrier Reef

Well Thursday dawned and much to my relief the weather was great. ...There is a cyclone to our North in the Cape York Peninsula and one to the south at Brisbane and the sea here was flat calm! We went to the reef via a huge catamaran and it quickly became apparent that we were not alone.....of the 450 passengers I think 400 were Chinese. It's Chinese new year at the moment and they do enjoy going abroad to celebrate it....what's wrong with staying at home to do it? We hadn't gone the 20 miles to our pontoon on the reef before Nik had a word or two with them about general manners.....oops!
Anyway we disembarked onto the floating pontoon which was massive......The weather was great and we went up in a helicopter to get a birds eye view. Then it was lunch......We were surprised there was anything left after our oriental friends had attacked the buffet! A trip on a submersible thing viewing the reef followed and then I had a scuba and Mrs C had a snorkel. It was great but tinged with a bit of regret that we couldn't take it all in at a more leisurely pace and without the crowds.
Then it was back to Port Douglas and on 4 hour flight south tomorrow to Melbourne and the big city life...We would love to stay at Thala Lodge a bit longer but maybe we will return there on day..........

Thursday 19 February 2015

Tour guide Pamela gives briefing

"Watch out for the box jellyfish,  the sharks and the greatest danger of all. ...A boat full of Chinese"...Also note stylish hat and wine in hand


Anna and Keith

Lost for words...

Our pontoon and boat at barrier reef

What a view

Yours truly survived his dive

Interesting fact no 456

Ageing a coconut tree. ....The tree produces a new frond (leafy thing) every month and with each new one an old one falls off producing a line on the trunk. .thus 12 lines = 1 year.....simples

Interesting fact no 237

Australians on the road see a lot of "wazzas".......This is their term for that wazza kangaroo, that wazza wombat etc etc

Thala Lodge

A view from the dining area

Niks bush tucker trial

Not really sure where to begin with this one..We left Cairns for a 65km drive north to the award winning eco tourist resort of Thala Lodge . Individual lodges set into the hillside with tropical forest all around in 140 acres....A beautiful place.
In the evening the whole party sat in the main lodge for a sumptuous Australian meal but tour guide Pamela interrupted before the meal to inform everyone that  two guests would compete each other in a bush tucker trial!!! Pamela chose Colin for the men's team and yes, you've guessed it Nik for the ladies.....which was a bit spooky as just two hours earlier in the pool Mrs C had informed us that she could do "I'm a Celebrity" except for the eating lol lol.....
Firstly Chef let the two competitors play with a live flying stick insect before serving one on a plate.....deep fried with a nice salsa sauce!!! By this time I could barely stop laughing enough to take a photo so apologies for the quality. ....In fairness both Colin and Nik eventually managed to get it down though Colin did remove a leg from the gap in his back teeth.
Then the best bit....Firstly a live burrowing cockroach was presented before an oven baked version was presented for eating....It looked like shit and I think it tasted like it too....when Nik started to gag and heave half the audience did too including myself....but by god it was so FUNNY.
I don't think either Colin or Nik finished this but they gave it a good go......fair play they both did so well. What a hoot! Someone took a video of the  whole meal so when it's available on utube  I will let you know.
The proper meal was lovely. ....salmon, then kangaroo followed by creme brulee.
Off to barrier reef tomorrow. .....

Meal number 1

A flying stick insect...

It's a bit crunchy.....

First course over

Seldom have I seen such fear......

Meal number 2

A burrowing cockroach. ...

Get it down girl....

Tour guide Pamela gives encouragement